When we talk about heart health and blood sugar levels, it's often about how we can prevent heart disease and diabetes. These issues often go hand in hand, but there are natural ways to help keep them in check. Here are some preventative tips to maintain healthy hearts and blood sugar!


What Are the Common Risks?

Here are some things that can increase our chances of having heart problems or developing diabetes:

1.     Carrying Extra Weight: Having too much weight, especially around the belly, can make it harder for our bodies to use insulin and can be associated with high blood pressure and cholesterol.

2.     High Blood Pressure: When our blood pressure is too high, it puts extra strain on our heart and blood vessels.

3.     Cholesterol Concerns: Having high cholesterol levels is often used to predict atherosclerosis (clogged arteries).

4.     Sugar Struggles: If our bodies have trouble using insulin properly, it can cause our blood sugar levels to rise, which can lead to diabetes.

5.     Not Moving Enough: Without regular exercise and movement, all these other problems can worsen.

6.     Looking Deeper: As a naturopathic doctor, I often look deeper than just the traditional risk factors above. Using basic and advanced bloodwork and discussing other health factors like stress, sleep, and inflammation gives me a better understanding of your health.


Easy Ways to Stay Healthy

1. Eat Well    

- Think Mediterranean: Try eating more fish, colourful veggies, whole grains, and healthy fats like nuts, seeds, and unrefined olive oil. This kind of eating can help protect our hearts.    

- Go Slow with Sugar: Choose foods that release sugar slowly, like whole grains and beans. It helps keep our blood sugar stable. Explore a diet lower in carbohydrates.    

- More Plants, Less Meat: Eating more plant-based foods means you’ll naturally consume more of the heart-healthy compounds found in plant foods.  

2. Stay Active and Combat Stress    

- Move More: Even simple activities like walking or gardening can make a big difference. Aim for at least 30 minutes most days of the week.    

- Chill Out: Find ways to relax, like taking deep belly breaths, doing yoga, or walking in nature. Stress isn't good for our hearts!  

3. Kick Bad Habits    

- Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your heart and overall health. Naturopathic doctors can help ease the transition.

4. Natural Helpers:    

- Fish Oil: Taking good quality fish oil can help lower triglycerides and reduce inflammation.    

- Magnesium: This mineral can help keep our blood pressure in check and can also help our bodies use insulin better.    

- Natural Herbs: Simple herbs/foods like cinnamon and garlic can help with blood sugar control and heart health.


Taking care of our heart and blood sugar doesn't have to be complicated. Understanding your risk levels and putting together a plan beforehand is the best way to prevent future problems. With a little effort, we can take charge of our health and enjoy a happy, heart-healthy life!

Shawn Peters

Shawn Peters

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